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03 CIAM 3

Senior housing in Lo Prado


Experience in Real Estate Albores

Llay Llay

Floodable Park in Llay Llay - V Región.



The assignment consisted of developing the new communication center of the University of Santiago de Chile, which had spaces to perform the different tasks of dissemination of this, such as radio recording studios, audio visual studies, offices and an amphitheater where they could be presented live shows for the community, both university and for the locals.

Motel Drive - In

In the "red district" of Santiago, the development of a Motel is requested. The sector has the characteristic that during the day is a commercial area specialized in the sale of automotive parts, and at night it becomes a clandestine sex trade sector. It proposes a point where both uses are supplied, with a Motel cinema drive - in, where users can count on rooms of hotels.

New Master Plan for Quinta Normal

The Quinta Normal Park is the largest public green area of the western sector of the capital of Santiago, for its relevance, a project is proposed that seeks to revitalize it through the development of mixed areas of encounter as a "boulevard" in conjunction with areas of residential use. The assignment is addressed from the four different pre-existing quadrants of the park.

Umbral del Parque

Housing complex that seeks to densify urban areas in a state of neglect with a focus on the concept of "Community", generating meeting spaces in addition to a fully equipped indoor park for the needs of young families, with green areas, soccer fields, study areas, etc.

Filter House

With The Positive Footprint - Australian architecture office - We develop a project for a sustainable low-cost house to use it to compete in "Construye Solar 2020"

High density housing complex

In the district of Estación Central in Santiago, Chile, ocurred a housing phenomenon known as "Cité", responding to housing complexes that rural-urban migration, concentrate large numbers of people in confined spaces. The assignment was to reinterpret this phenomenon, adapting to the new needs of this era, and giving dignity to the new user who inhabit this type of assembly.


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